Welcome to New World Landscape
aquascape cascades
Paysagiste Nouveau Monde
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Official Landscape Architecture Portfolio
Hi , and welcome to my site
I love building waterfalls and water features. I've been doing this and general landscaping in the Montreal area for more than 40 years now, so I have quite a repertoire of projects to show and tell.
I'm a horticulturist graduate of the School of Horticulture in Niagara Falls. A silviculturist I have a 100 acre tree farm and have been involved with many large tree moving projects in Montreal. And I am a landscape designer, including designing the original McDonald and Ponderosa Restaurants in Montreal and Ottawa (way back), and over 500 residences, some of my customers I've done 2 or 3 of their lots. I love to design but I don't like sitting in an office, I have to be out there doing it!
In the summer I now spend most of my time outside building and maintaining waterfalls and ponds.
In the winter I x-country ski a lot on my farm and in the forest on either side, 3-4 hours intense every day.
Since a picture is worth a thousand words I'll do more showing than telling.
I try to make each waterfall different , no cookie cutter landscape designs from me. Each one is designed with the customer in mind!
Have a look and come back often, I'm still new at this (website building), so it's still lots of fun but very frustrating at times.
If you have a slow connection you may want to do something else like make a coffee, while the photos download,
Enjoy and I hope you get lots of ideas, and maybe one day you'll need me to build that special waterfall...Rudy
Bonjour, bienvenue à mon site.
Premierement excusez moi pour mon français mauvais.
Je suis horticulteur, sylviculteur, architect paysagiste, et entrepreneur en paysagement. Dernierment je passe la majorité de mon temps a bâttir des cascades d'eau et les jardins d'eau.
En hiver je fais du ski de fond 3 a 4 heures par jours tous les jours.
Avec plus de 40 ans d’expérience j’ai une vaste répertoir d’exemples à vous montrer.
Parce qu’une photo vaut mille mots, prenez de temps de jeter un coup d’œil sur certains projets que j'ai réalisés
Chaque cascade est creé individuelment selons les goûts et les besoins du client. Il n'y a jamais deux projets identiques.
Si votre connection est lente, veuillez patiente. Allez prendre un café en attendant les photos ça vaut la peine!
J'espère que ce site vous inspirera, et vous donnera le goût d'admirer une cascade conçue pour vous, peut etre réalisée par moi. ...Rudy Ruben.

An article about me in the Montreal Gazette, a few years ago.